Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Getting ready for Chase Season

I set up this blog spot simply to be able to post chase accounts and media files but I noticed recently that I only have one entry from 2007. Granted I didn't get to chase very much in 2008 but I should have posted.
During the off season I spent a lot of time updating equipment to get ready for the upcoming season. For 2009 I have purchased an Alltel data card for my laptop. No more scurrying around the little towns for Wi-Fi access to grab radar updates. I know I'm a little behind the other chasers but this is a huge step forward for me. Recently I downloaded GRLevel3 and I still have Stormlab for the radar data and the spotternetwork place files. I updated the laptop with software for my GPS for real time navigation and trip logging.
I recently picked up a new digital video camera to replace the old 8mm camera I had been using. I also recently upgraded my phone to a Blackberry giving me access to additional weather data.
I will try to update the blogs with every chase log along with photos or videos.

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